Dancing Dogs Yoga Greensboro is Greensboro's ONLY Power Yoga Studio! Find our schedule here:

And more information on our website, dancingdogsyoga.com.

Workshops & Trainings

I am so fired up that Baron Baptiste is coming to our area! He will be in Charleston for a one-day program called an All Day Immersion on Saturday, March 23, 2013. The event is 9am-8pm and is an ALL-LEVELS, really fun day of yoga with Baron. I was on the assisting team for the ADI in New York this January, and making plans to go to Charleston as a participant. This program will LIGHT YOU UP and will be a great way to build our Baptiste community in Greensboro.

Baron only does a few events a year like this which are not teacher trainings, not master classes, but truly a low-pressure, challenging, fun, interesting day of learning and growing in your yoga practice. Did I mention that this is ALL-LEVELS?? Do not be intimidated. You are ready now!! I would LOVE to get a crew together to drive down. Let me know if you are interested and we can chat more, or find the site below for details.


*December 2-4th, 2012 - 3 DAY YOGA & JUICE CLEANSE! Details here:

3 Day Yoga & Juice Cleanse Show up for the Holidays LIGHTER and BRIGHTER!

Join us at Stillwaters Retreat for a 3-Day Program of Power Yoga with Libby Ramsey, Holistic Health & Lifestyle coaching with Allison Donovan, and a fresh, cold-pressed juice cleanse provided by Viva Raw (Charlotte, NC).This will be a huge transformational experience for body, mind, and soul. It will be challenging, educational, and a really fun experience with a great group of people. Don't Miss the Opportunity - you are ready for this NOW!

The Program: Saturday, December 1st 8pm pick up your juice from Stillwaters

Sunday, December 2nd 1:30-3:30pm group yoga practice and meeting

Monday, December 3rd 8-9pm group yoga practice

Tuesday, December 4th 6-8pm group yoga practice and meeting

Why Cleanse with Juice?

‧Increase your energy, boost your mood, and clarify your mind
‧Boost your immune system in time to fight off the flu
‧Shed excess weight before the Holidays
‧Rid your body of harmful toxins and give your body a break as you support its natural cleansing process

Why Cleanse with Yoga?
‧Assist the natural detoxification process with movement, breath, and body heat
‧Stimulate and invigorate the the body and mind
‧Explore what is coming up for you physical and mentally with the juice cleanse - eliminate mental blocks ‧Experience the support and fun of embarking on this with an experienced teacher and awesome people


Good ($100 + price of Juice)
Receive 3 power yoga sessions, 2 group support meetings, and health coaching email support

Better ($150 + price of Juice)
Receive all of the“Good”package PLUS a personalized (1 hr) health coaching session and grocery tour

Best ($220 + price of Juice)
Receive all of the“Better”package PLUS a 1 hr detox massage with Lizzie

3 Day Juice Supply from Viva Raw:Charlotte ($130) *Juice is ordered through Viva Raw. Details upon registration*


Sign up today, space is limited! Call Stillwaters to reserve your spot

336-286-8489 Questions? yogabylibby@gmail.com allison@diaitahealthcoaching.com

*All-Day Immersion with Baron Baptiste in New York City - I am so thrilled to have been selected to be on the assisting team with Baron for this amazing day. JOIN US! Go to www.baronbaptiste.com, click on programs, to register.

*Bring a Man to Yoga - I created this class at Epic Yoga in Nashville and it was great fun! An hour of all-levels yoga followed by a cold beer and camaraderie.

*40 Days to Personal Revolution - This program, designed by my teacher, Baron Baptiste, is completely transformational! As a group we commit to practicing an hour of Baptiste power yoga 6 days a week for 40 days, eating the healthful, balanced diet outlined in the program for 40 days, culminating in a 3-day fruit fast, thoughtfully reading the 40 Days to Personal Revolution book throughout the program, and participating in group discussion/emails throughout the program to discuss what is coming up for you. Develop a long, lean, healthy physical body; learn and cultivate a strong power yoga practice; understand how to fuel your body; clear away the negative effects of stress; rejuvenate the mind and body.

*360 JUNIOR GOLF - The goal of 360 Junior Golf is threefold: to improve the overall skill set of a junior golfer, guide the player through the junior tournament landscape, and provide a college counseling program that enables families to make a more educated decision on college selection and golf scholarship offers. 360 Junior golf is geared towards identifying an individual's golfing needs then providing an integrated training model to meet those specific needs. Power yoga is included as an integral part of the athletes' training program.

*QUEEN CITY STARS LACROSSE TEAM - Each athlete selected to a Queen City team is an exceptional lacrosse player and, therefore, the coaches treat these teams exceptionally. Our goal is to make the athletes better lacrosse players – improve individual and team skill, improve their knowledge and sense of the game and improve their confidence in what they already do well and confidence in knowing that they will succeed as they develop new skill sets. As a result, it is our job to frame the groundwork for their success, expand their talent and provide exceptional opportunities to showcase that talent. Power yoga was included as an integral part of the athletes' training program.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

40 Days

I am in week 4 of a "40 Days to Personal Revolution" program at my studio. It is basically a physical, mental, and dietary challenge for 40 Days, and really is revolutionary. This is my second 40 Days and I felt that it would be a great fit with my current training to be a teacher. Physically - 6 days of yoga practice per week - is tough. As a new mom, it often bumps other exercise out of my day because I often just don't have time to do it. But for 40 Days and considering the great improvement I see in my yoga practice, it is worth it! I find that with at least an hour of yoga a day, I'm getting up into headstand faster, taking my twists and lunges deeper, and finding more space in my muscles and joints each week. I've been dealing with a lot of back pain (apparently from running with my baby in the jogging stroller!), and this, too, only seems to improve after my daily practice. Mentally, we are doing a daily meditation practice, something that is perhaps harder for me to do than the physical part. SITTING STILL and BREATHING. It is a wonderful exercise and something I hope to continue after the 40 Days are over, at least for a few minutes a day. As for my diet, generally speaking we make an effort to eat healthful, whole foods as close to their natural state as possible during the 40 Days; this means staying away from highly-processed snack stuff, fried foods, etc. This was the easy part. The hardest has been the 3 Day "fruit cleanse", of which I am on day 2 right now. The idea is not to lose weight, but to give the body a break from digesting and processing the "hard stuff", and instead by eating lots of easy-to-digest fruit, we're allowing it to flush toxins. The secondary goal if this is the best - to physically and mentally become lighter and brighter! We truly do not need as much as we think we do. That's not to say I won't be having a nice, lean hamburger this weekend once I come off the cleanse (because I most certainly will), but simply that it makes us more aware of our needs vs. wants in the food department. So while I'm dying for some mint chocolate chip ice cream right now...I don't really need it! What an empowering feeling:)

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